Bangkok, Thailand, where modern and traditional cultures blend, has a unique atmosphere that can only be felt in this city. Many people from around the world visit to experience its charm. Observing the lives of the city's residents is also a delightful activity. While valuing old traditions and history, they actively embrace new things as well. The people of Bangkok, who live adaptably, all wear smiles. Looking up at the sky in this city, you might be surprised by the tangle of power lines. Yet, they still work properly, capturing the essence of Bangkok. Both the city and its residents, like the entwined power lines, find joy in simply observing without unraveling.
Mamablues, who was holding a solo exhibition at a gallery in Bangkok's Old Town, is a serene and quiet individual. However, her artworks are surprisingly powerful, unique, and tell intriguing stories. We had arranged to meet at the ongoing gallery event. Despite her usual calm attire, the yellow socks she had chosen were truly charming.
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Having folded the bar after a long stretch of bustling activity, Somjet shared that he's now in a period of rest. Throughout our conversation, he wore a constant smile. While running the bar, his lifestyle had been flipped, active during the nights and calm in the days. But now, he's enjoying basking in the bright sunlight. "Next time, I want to open a bar where I can take it easy and have fun myself." It seems he's already contemplating his next venture.
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Pitiya, who typically works for a swimwear brand, is the bassist for the reggae two-piece band "Srisawaad" (which means Siamese cat). He actively engages in live performances and producing promotional videos. Lately, they've taken a liking to kickboxing. They enjoy being active. The off-white socks they're wearing today perfectly match their fashion.
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Huamphong Station, equivalent to Ueno Station in Tokyo. Tuk-tuks are waiting at the rotary, and among them, Joe is seated on a remarkably clean and well-maintained vehicle. He starts the engine. Just by hearing the sound, you can sense his dedication to tuk-tuks. Of course, that extends to his fashion too. He was pleased with the socks he put on as well.
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In Bangkok, the area of Thonglor is known for hosting numerous fashion brands, cafes, and bars. Running a café there is Sand, an artist who, alongside friends, also manages a bag brand. Precise and fond of hands-on work, Sand has a keen eye for detail in everything around them. The socks they chose perfectly matched the shoes they were wearing.
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Meeting a friend at Sand's café, there was Ice. Despite the perpetual Bangkok-like summer, Ice sported a navy corduroy ensemble and a pink cap—a delightful fashion choice that compelled me to strike up a conversation. And of course, he had chosen pink socks. After the photoshoot, he happily donned the socks he liked and vanished into the bustling city crowd.
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1973年、東京都生まれ。広告、CDジャケット、ファッション誌、カルチャー誌で活躍中。2004年、渋谷区上原にギャラリー「NO.12 GALLERY」を立ち上げ、2019年まで運営。主な作品に写真集『POOL』(リトルモア)、インタビューと写真を手掛けた『ボクと先輩』(晶文社)、星野源との共著『ばらばら』(リトルモア)など。水辺の同人誌『off the hook』発行人。ROTOTOのシーズンイメージの撮影を2020AWシーズンより担当。
Taro Hirano
Born in Tokyo in 1973. He is active in advertising, CD jackets, fashion magazines, and cultural magazines. In 2004, he launched the NO.12 GALLERY in Shibuya-ku, Uehara, and operated it until 2019. His main works include the photo book "POOL" (published by Little More), "Boku to Senpai" which he conducted interviews and took photos for (published by Shobunsha), and co-authored "Barabara" with Gen Hoshino (published by Little More), among others. He is the publisher of the waterside doujinshi "off the hook" and has been in charge of shooting the season images for ROTOTO since the 2020 AW season.
東京都出身。カルチャー誌やファッション誌などで執筆。また国内外で広告制作にも携わる。著書に、進化する今のタイカルチャーを新しい視点から紹介する『New New Thailand 僕が好きなタイランド』(トゥーヴァージンズ)や『ア・ウェイ・オブ・ライフ~28人のクリエイタージャーナル』(P-vine Books)がある。
Taku Takemura
Born in Tokyo. Writes for cultural and fashion magazines. Engages in advertising both domestically and internationally. Authored works include "New New Thailand: My Favorite Thailand” from a Fresh Perspective (Two Virgins) and "A Way of Life: Journal of 28 Creators" (P-vine Books).